Thursday, April 2, 2009

This weekend was the young womens confrence. I was so lucky to go, it was amazing experience that not many young women get. The speakers were the yw counselers, and President Monson. They inroduced the new theme virture. It was such a great spirtitual meeting that really will help me. The prohphet told us how we are a saved generation. I have heard this so many times, but when President Monson told us this I really belived it. I was very glad to know that they really understand what we go through and knew exactly what to say to help us through it. So good job everyone. We need to keep up the good work and help teach the gosple to our world. here are some picture of my ward buddie.

Love Mady

p.s. sorry everyone for not posting. To tell you the truth facebook has taken all my computer time. Haha sorry.

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